I Build an app Multipage with dash ploty
Can I add Dark Mode ?
I Build an app Multipage with dash ploty
Can I add Dark Mode ?
It depends on the UI framework that you are using. If it is dash-mantine-components
for example, it is very simple to add dark mode via the MantineProvider
thank you @Emil
I use dash_bootstrap_components
Hi @sanae
You can find lots of info on how to add a theme switch component and style a dash app with a Bootstrap theme here:
Note that with multipage apps, you would just need to include the theme switch component in the app.py file so it’s available on all the pages.
Yes - it’s normal - the figures need to be updated with the new figure template when the theme changes.
If you want to use the Bootstrap themed figure templates, you can see examples of how to do that on this page: Dash Bootstrap Theme Explorer
However it looks like you may be using custom colors for the traces, in that case you may just want to use the plotly_dark
figure template: Theming and templates in Python
@AnnMarieW It’s helpful … Thank you sooo Much