Creating tables from plotly offline

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to use plotly offline.But the output is displayed as a single row,not as shown in the output format given [here](“Changing Row and column size”)((Tables in Python)

import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
values = [[[‘geneNames’, ‘uniprotIDs’, ‘ec-code’, ‘subcellularLocation’, ‘tissueSpecificity’,
‘proteinName’, ‘subunit’, ‘species’]], [[’ G6PC’, ’ P35575’, ’’,
’ Endoplasmic reticulum membrane’, ‘No Data’, ’ Glucose-6-phosphatase alpha’,
‘No Data’, ’ Homo sapiens’]]]
trace0 = go.Table(
type = ‘table’,
columnorder = [1,2],
columnwidth = [80,400],
header = dict(
values = [[‘PARAMETERS’],
line = dict(color = ‘#506784’),
fill = dict(color = ‘#119DFF’),
align = [‘left’,‘center’],
font = dict(color = ‘white’, size = 12),
height = 40
cells = dict(
values = values,
line = dict(color = ‘#506784’),
fill = dict(color = [‘#25FEFD’, ‘white’]),
align = [‘left’, ‘center’],
font = dict(color = ‘#506784’, size = 12),
height = 30

data = [trace0]

Could someone help?

Why are you posting this under plotly.js when clearly it is a python question?

Yes,I shouldn’t have.Removed the tag