Hey, I’m currently working on visualizing covid cases in Austria, and I’m struggling to create a slider combined with a dropdown menu via plotly.express. Obviusly, creating the slider isn’t hard with express, but I have no clue how a dropdown menu works, I would want it to change the value which the Choropleth map gets it’s values from (for example total cases, total deaths etc.). Any help appreciated!
Hi @Skrumpey ,
Here is an example of dropdown menu to select which dataframe column is used for values to be mapped to the colorscale.
Plotly provides two functions for updates, via dropdown: 'restyle
, ‘relayout’ and ‘update’`. The first one is used for updating traces, the second for updating layout and the third for updating both some trace attributes and layout attributes.
import plotly.express as px
df = px.data.election()
geojson = px.data.election_geojson()
fig = px.choropleth(df, geojson=geojson, color="Bergeron",
locations="district", featureidkey="properties.district",
projection="mercator", color_continuous_scale="deep"
fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False)
button1 = dict(method = "restyle",
args = [{'z': [ df["Bergeron"] ] }],
label = "Bergeron")
button2 = dict(method = "restyle",
args = [{'z': [ df["Joly"] ]}],
label = "Joly")
buttons=[button1, button2])
To understand what is z
in button’s definition inspect go.Choropleth
In the button arg definition:
{'z': [ df["Bergeron"] ] }
we didn’t set
{'z': df['Bergeron'}
because plotly fig.data
is a list, and we have to inform plotly.js which list element is updated. Hence we defined:
{'z': [ df["Bergeron"] ] }
which means that we are modifying 'z'
in fig.data[0]
, i.e. within the only list element, in this case.
Hi, thanks for your reply, it’s almost working now! There’s still some things that aren’t working 100% correctly. First, is there any way to make the buttons actually like a dropdown? Because currently, they’re just right next to each other and it doesn’t look very nice. Also, whenever I press one of the buttons, all colors will turn to blue, until I move my slider (probably because it isn’t updating correctly). Also, the label of the coloraxis doesn’t change when I press a button. Any help here would be very appreciated!
EDIT: I actually just noticed that the colors don’t actually change to whatever I want, they just stay at the one which I assigned when creating the map.
For me the code I gave as example exhibits a dropdown menu with two options, and it works as expected.
Could you please paste here your button definition to identify why you have two buttons displayed next to each other?
Sorry for not replying for so long, I was a bit busy.
This is what I currently have, the dropdown now looks fine, but the data doesnt actually change when I click something else:
> import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
import json
import plotly
>df = pd.read_csv('owidFuerMap.csv')
>df = df[df.continentExp == 'Europe']
df.drop(['year_week', 'continentExp', 'geoId'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df['Fälle pro 100k Einwohner (7-Tage)'] = df['cases_weekly'].div(df['popData2019'].div(100000))
df['Tode pro 100k Einwohner (7-Tage)'] = df['deaths_weekly'].div(df['popData2019'].div(100000))
df['Datum'] =pd.to_datetime(df.Datum,dayfirst = True)
df['Datum'] = df['Datum'].astype('string')
df['Datum'] = df['Datum'].astype('object')
>f = open('custom_geo_low.json')
data = json.load(f)
fig = px.choropleth(df,geojson = data
,locations = 'countryterritoryCode'
,scope = 'europe'
,color = "Fälle pro 100k Einwohner (7-Tage)"
,animation_frame = "Datum"
fig.update_geos(fitbounds = "locations",visible=False)
>button1 = dict(method = "restyle",
args = [{'z': [ df["Fälle pro 100k Einwohner (7-Tage)"] ] }],
label = "Fälle")
button2 = dict(method = "restyle",
args = [{'z': [ df["Tode pro 100k Einwohner (7-Tage)"] ]}],
label = "Tode")
buttons=[button1, button2])
EDIT: This is the layout of the figure:
'coloraxis': {'colorbar': {'thickness': 23, 'title': {'text': 'Fälle pro 100k Einwohner (7-Tage)'}},
'colorscale': [[0.0, '#0d0887'], [0.1111111111111111,
'#46039f'], [0.2222222222222222, '#7201a8'],
[0.3333333333333333, '#9c179e'],
[0.4444444444444444, '#bd3786'],
[0.5555555555555556, '#d8576b'],
[0.6666666666666666, '#ed7953'],
[0.7777777777777778, '#fb9f3a'],
[0.8888888888888888, '#fdca26'], [1.0, '#f0f921']]},
'geo': {'center': {},
'domain': {'x': [0.0, 1.0], 'y': [0.0, 1.0]},
'fitbounds': 'locations',
'scope': 'europe',
'visible': False},
'legend': {'tracegroupgap': 0},
'margin': {'t': 60},
'template': '...',
'updatemenus': [{'active': 0,
'buttons': [{'args': [{'z': [8678 0.000000 5989
0.000000 537 0.000000 3010
0.000000 2352 0.000000
... 1102 133.505079 4157
68.450973 1312 167.799065 4605
143.952814 51 156.265994
Name: Fälle pro 100k Einwohner
(7-Tage), Length: 2560, dtype:
'label': 'Fälle',
'method': 'restyle'},
{'args': [{'z': [8678 0.000000 5989
0.000000 537 0.000000 3010
0.000000 2352 0.000000
... 1102 8.754928 4157
0.693278 1312 13.157070 4605
3.558509 51 2.969508 Name:
Tode pro 100k Einwohner (7-Tage),
Length: 2560, dtype: float64]}],
'label': 'Tode',
'method': 'restyle'}],
'x': 0.275,
'xanchor': 'right',
'y': 0.9,
'yanchor': 'top'}],
'width': 700
Hey! Thank you so much for sharing your question and your code. I am having the exact same issue: I want to add a slider to each map in the dropdown menu. The dropdown part works thanks to your posts, but the slider only works for the first map. How can I add a functioning slider to each map? I`m really looking forward to any updates.
Hi there - I’m in the exact same boat, wondering if there is a way to properly link sliders with dropdowns. Just wanted to check-in if anyone was able to figure this out? Thanks!
HI, I am facing the same problem. Have you figured out how to do this?
Thank you in advance.
Hi! I too am wanting to combine a dropdown + sliders. Any updates?
Likewise. Is there a solution to where we can have both a dropdown and a slider on plotly.