I have a basic dash app with two graphs which I would like to update based on the condition of a radio item selection. I want to choose which graph to update:
options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in [1, 2]],
clickData={'points': [{'x': fixed_df['Abs time'].values[0]}]}
clickData={'points': [{'x': fixed_df['Abs time'].values[0]}]}
I haven’t been able to figure out how to use @app.callback to choose which graph to update based on the radio item condition:
Output('graph???', 'figure'),
Input('graph-selector', 'value))
def update_graph(graph):
return figure
My first idea was to use classes, and call an instance function with the callback, but apparently this is impossible with dash? Callbacks seem to want raw functions.
Output('graph', 'figure'),
Input('graph-selector', 'value))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
My second idea was to tell the callback to output to both graphs, but I don’t know how to exclude one from updating.
Output('graph1', 'figure'),
Output('graph2', 'figure'))
Input('graph-selector', 'value'))
def update_graph(graph):
# Updates both?
return figure
Now I’m thinking I need to use two different callbacks and just throw away one based on condition, but this is a messy solution…
Is there a better way to do this?