I see one can easily combine graph types as such:
import plotly.graph_objs as go
trace1 = go.Contour()
trace2 = go.Scatter()
data = [trace1, trace2]
But I had no luck so far combining a trisurf and a 3d scatter as such:
from plotly.tools import FigureFactory as FF
fig = FF.create_trisurf()
trace = go.Scatter3d()
data = [fig, trace]
apperently FF is not within the valid items list:
Valid items for 'data' at path ['data'] under parents ['figure']:
['Box', 'Mesh3d', 'Histogram', 'Bar', 'Scattergeo', 'Area',
'Choropleth', 'Scatterternary', 'Surface', 'Pie', 'Heatmap',
'Scattermapbox', 'Scatter', 'Histogram2d', 'Pointcloud',
'Histogram2dcontour', 'Contour', 'Scattergl', 'Scatter3d']
any thoughts?