Chart re-size not working

I have implemented a scatterplot using react-plotly.js I would like the chart to re-size itself when the page layout changes. But currently, the layout of the chart doesn’t change by itself. If I explicitly perform some function on the chart which forces the chart to redraw itself then only the chart width changes.

I applied useResizeHandler property and have set autosize to true. But that doesn’t make any difference either.
style={{ width: ‘100%’ }}
onClick={(data) => this.handlePlotClick(data)}
layout={this.layout} />

     const layout = {
          autosize: true,
          dragmode: true,
          margin: {
            l: 5,
            r: 5,
            t: 10,
            b: 10,
            pad: 0,
            autoexpand: true
          hovermode: 'closest',
          hoverlabel: {
            bgcolor: 'rgba(0,0,0,1)',
            bordercolor: 'rgba(200,200,200,1)'
          height: '650',
          yaxis: {
            visible: false
          xaxis: {
            autorange: false,
            showline: true,
            fixedrange: false, // true disables range selection on main graph
            rangeslider: {
              range: this.state.sliderRange,
              visible: true,
              borderwidth: 1,
              bordercolor: '#000'

As you can see in the screenshot above, the div.svg-container has same width as the main-svg. But it still leaves white space on the right. I am unable to debug why it would behave that way. If I explicitly perform zoom on the chart that will redraw the plot then it will behave correctly. But I would like it to automatically resize when the page layout changes.

Can I customize svg-container or main-svg ? I see that when it does re-size(by force), the width is randomly set for both the div elements. What part of the code is responsible for it ? I tried applying the value of width in css file but that doesn’t work either. It uses programmatically generated value only.

Thanks for reporting.

To help us out, could you try to replicate the problem in a jsFiddle/jsBin or codepen? Thank you!