I’m trying to change the Div style with a callback, but getting an error:
dash.exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue: The callback …admin_dropdown_div.style… is a multi-output.
@flyingcujo, @dimark, thanks, it works! But when i have 2 outputs i need to use the brackets [], and this leads to the same error
[Output('admin_dropdown', 'options'), Output('admin_dropdown_div', 'style')],
[Input(component_id='year-selected', component_property='value')]
def dropdown(input1):
if current_user.all_regions == 1:
df_clients_main = df_clients
dd_options = [{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in df_clients_main['CityCred'].unique()]
dv_style = {'margin-left': '5%', 'margin-top': '1%', 'display': 'block'}
return [dd_options, dv_style]
dash.exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue: The callback …admin_dropdown.options…admin_dropdown_div.style… is a multi-output.
Expected the output type to be a list or tuple but got None.
Well it is hard to tell without posting your full code (or a standalone example).
Assuming that is your complete function, it could be possible that your if condition evaluates to False (for example during the startup initial firing of callbacks).
Then your function simply does nothing, even though a return is expected.
Could you try to add a raise PreventUpdate or some dummy return values?
[Output('admin_dropdown', 'options'), Output('admin_dropdown_div', 'style')],
[Input(component_id='year-selected', component_property='value')]
def dropdown(input1):
if current_user.all_regions == 1:
df_clients_main = df_clients
dd_options = [{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in df_clients_main['CityCred'].unique()]
dv_style = {'margin-left': '5%', 'margin-top': '1%', 'display': 'block'}
return [dd_options, dv_style]
raise PreventUpdate # or return some dummy values
For multi-outputs, the return value must be a ist or a tuple. In your case above, I beleive you were getting the error since not all paths in your code returned the required number of outputs.