Change card layout upon hovering

Hey guys,

I built a Python Dash app using dbc Cards. One of my cards is wrapped by an html.A object containing a link referencing another dbc.Card. To indicate the possibility of clicking on the card (as it is the child of the html.A object), I would like to change the style of the card upon mouse hovering. Is that possible and if so, how?

Thank you in advance and have a lovely day :slight_smile:

Hello @thilo1887,

Welcome to the community!

To receive better assistance, it is normally better to post something like this:

With that said, I’d add a css stylesheet in the assets folder and then add a class styling for :hover and give the card my class.

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@jinnyzor thank you for the advice, I will keep that in mind next time!
Also, thank you for your answer. This approach solves my issue :slight_smile:

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