Hey everyone,
I’ve been trying to create an horizontal bar graph with grouped labels. While i am successful in generating the graph properly, i have yet to find a way to replace the ticktext with a proper group label.
My data frame (test) consists of 3 columns: x1 contains the values(numbers), id the variable ids(character) and cl the groups by which they are categorised (0 to 10) .
My script (with custom colors) is the following:
cols <- c("#795548", "#4caf50", "#ffeb3b", "#2196f3", "#ff9800", "#673ab7", "#00bcd4", "#e91e63",
"#f44336", "#9e9e9e", "#607d8b") # color code
# Plot
plot <- plot_ly(test, x=~x1, y=~id, type='bar', orientation='h', color=as.character(test$cl), colors=cols) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(zeroline = T, showline = T, ticks= 'inside'),
yaxis = list(tickfont=list(size=4), categoryorder='array', categoryarray=test$cl),
margin = list(b = 100))
My output looks like this:
I would want the y labels to be replaced by the cl name that corresponds to each group and placed in a the middle of their corresponding group as such:
Does anyone have any input on this?
Thanks in advance!