I’ve just discovered the library dash_trich_component and trying to use a Sidebar instead of a BarTab. However, I can’t show Font Awesome icons.
This is the use example in the documentation (dash trich Components documentation):
dtc.SideBarItem(id='id_1', label="Label 1", icon="fas fa-home"),
dtc.SideBarItem(id='id_2', label="Label 2", icon="fas fa-chart-line"),
dtc.SideBarItem(id='id_3', label="Label 3", icon="far fa-list-alt"),
dtc.SideBarItem(id='id_4', label="Label 4", icon="fas fa-info-circle"),
dtc.SideBarItem(id='id_5', label="Label 5", icon="fas fa-cog"),
I’m doing the following:
dic_tabs = {'general': {'label': 'label 1', 'icon': 'fas fa-home'},
'individ': {'label': 'label 2', 'icon': 'fas fa-vial'},
'distr': {'label': 'label 3', 'icon': 'fas fa-code-branch'},
'reporte': {'label': 'label 4', 'icon': 'fas fa-file-chart-line'},
'update': {'label': 'label 5', 'icon': 'fas fa-edit'},
'options': {'label': 'label 6', 'icon': 'fas fa-recycle'}}
dtc.SideBar([dtc.SideBarItem(id = k,
label = v['label'],
icon = v['icon'],
n_clicks = 0
for k, v in dic_tabs.items()
id = 'tabs-options',
bg_color = '#b7cbed',
text_color = '#404040'
The sidebar is shown correctly (except text_color, but that isn’t important to me), but the icons are not shown.
Thanks you very much in advance!