I think possibly it could be because I am using a subplot as my figure or also because I am using secondary_y axes but I have no real idea. My confusion stems from the fact that the legend groups work correctly because the traces are grouped accordingly, but their titles fail to appear.
Have you been able to solve your problem? I’m dealing with a very similar issue using plotly (5.1.0) and dash! I’ve noticed that the legend title appears when I return the chart as an image in JupyterLab, but when I run the dash app, it vanishes.
Legends in Jupyter:
In both situations I’m using the same code to add the traces and to update the layout, so I’m very confused about about why it does not work in my dash…
No I still have not been able to solve it. I did not even try to run my code in jupyter, so that is very interesting that it works in jupyter but not dash. I had also been running mine in dash when it was not displaying correctly. Unfortunately I wound up giving up because I could not find where the error was. Hopefully it is a simple fix that is resolved in a patch
My issue was solved by updating dash from 1.20.0 to 1.21.0. Since you are using the latest version of dash, it’s probably a different problem. Can you share some example like here?