Callbacks firing twice when trying to dynamically add items

Hello! I am a new to Dash and I am trying to build an app where I can dynamically add graphs to my page and delete them. Each graph has a dropdown menu which one can use to select the data to be visualized. This works as it is.
I am now trying to add certain ‘predefined views’ in the dropdown menu, such that when one selects a predefined view the app automatically generates the required number of figures and pre-selects the data (from dropdown) which the user would have manually.
The problem here is that the function displayMultipleFigures( ) is being called twice when there is a change in the dropdown selection, which I believe is because of change in the state but also the dropdown input. And this is causing a deletion from the addOrRemoveContainers( ) function of the first graph element on the page because somehow, the returning of the children by the displayMultipleFigures( ) is triggering the ‘dynamic-delete’. I would appreciate any kind of help. I have omitted quite many details from the code but please let me know if more clarifications are needed.
Here’s my code:

from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output, State, MATCH, callback, ALL, callback_context
import dash
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import json

dropdownOptions = ['Input 1', 'Input 2', 'Input 3']
app = Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div([
    html.Button("Add Plot", id="add-plot-btn", n_clicks=0,style={'font-size':'125%'}),
    html.Div(id='dynamic-container', children=[]),

    Output('dynamic-container', 'children'),
    Input('add-plot-btn', 'n_clicks'),
    Input({"type": "dynamic-delete", "index": ALL}, "n_clicks"),
def addOrRemoveContainers(n_clicks, _, children):

    input_id = dash.callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0]

    if "index" in input_id:
        delete_chart = json.loads(input_id)["index"]
        children = [chart for chart in children if "'index': " + str(delete_chart) not in str(chart)]

        new_element = html.Div([
                        id={'type': 'dynamic-dropdown','index': n_clicks},
            html.Div(["Close plot >>", html.Button("X",id={"type": "dynamic-delete", "index": n_clicks},
                        n_clicks=0,style={"display": "block"},)],style={'font-size':'125%','display':'inline-flex'}),
            html.Div([dcc.Graph(id={'type': 'dynamic-graph','index': n_clicks},figure=go.Figure())],)
    return children

    Output('dynamic-container', 'children', allow_duplicate=True),
    Input({'type': 'dynamic-dropdown', 'index': ALL}, 'value'),
    prevent_initial_call = True,
def displayMultipleFigures(dropdownName,children):
    # I have omitted the code that goes here but the problem stems regardless of it.

    return children

Note that I have taken the help of this post to create the dynamic add/delete functionality (thanks AnnMarieW).

I’m responding from my phone so I didn’t check your code in detail.

One thing to keep in mind if adding content dynamically to your layout is, that the corresponding callbacks for these new components are executed.

You have to actively omit that, the prevent_initial_call=True is not applicable for this situations if I remember correctly.