Callback is receiving an error. Please help!

from dash.dependencies import Output, Input, State

app = JupyterDash(__name__)

#layout is saved to a variable so I dont have to keep running it
app.layout = layout

        Output("avg_table", "figure_") 
        Input('avg_table', 'active_cell')
        State('avg_table', 'derived_virtual_data')
def change_area_graphs(avg_cell, avg_data):
    row_number = avg_cell["row"]
    row_data = avg_data[row_number]
    type_value = row_data["type_label"]
    print("active_cell", row_number,"\nrow_number", row_data,"\nrow_data", type_value) 
    key = list(filter(lambda x: reversefactor[x] == type_value, reversefactor))[0]
    #return 0 
    return new_create_subplots(key)
app.run_server(mode='inline', height=800)

Error Message: message: ā€˜ID not found in layoutā€™, html: ā€˜Attempting to connect a callback Input item to comā€¦he callback(s) for Output(s):\n avg_table.figure_ā€™

Hi @marlainna456 welcome to the forums.

Delete the underscore form ā€˜figureā€™:

Thank you so much! Do you have any idea why my print lines are not showing when I run my cells.
If I run
print ā€˜hello worldā€™

The line prints but the lines in my code above does not.

import sys

does this have to be in the first cell of my notebook to work?

hi, have you tried display(ā€˜hello worldā€™)?

Hello, thanks for the follow up I did try the display(ā€˜hello worldā€™) and it did not work. I am using JupyterDash notebook. Also, I tested removing the underscore in figure and it did not work as well. Any additional advice?? thanks in advance

hello yes and my call back is still not working

Average_tab = create_tab(avg_table, ā€œAverageā€, ā€œaverageā€)

Avg_tab = dcc.Tabs(
style={ā€˜gridAreaā€™: ā€œavg_tableā€}

figure = html.Div([

style={ā€˜gridAreaā€™: ā€œfigureā€})

container5 = html.Div([ Avg_tab ,figure ],
ā€˜gridTemplateAreasā€™: ā€™ " avg_table figure ',
ā€˜gridTemplateColumnsā€™:"50vw 50vw ",
ā€˜columnGapā€™: ā€˜10pxā€™})

layout = html.Div([title, container5])

app = JupyterDash()
app.layout = layout
#app.run_server(mode=ā€˜inlineā€™, height=500)
app.run_server(mode=ā€œinlineā€, height=500,host=ā€œlocalhostā€,port=8055)

------ Call back code ----

from dash.dependencies import Output, Input, State

app = JupyterDash(name)

#layout is saved to a variable so I dont have to keep running it
app.layout = layout

Output(ā€œavg_tableā€, ā€œfigureā€)

    Input('avg_table', 'active_cell')
    State('avg_table', 'derived_virtual_data')

def change_area_graphs(avg_cell, avg_data):
row_number = avg_cell[ā€œrowā€]
row_data = avg_data[row_number]
type_value = row_data[ā€œtype_labelā€]
print(ā€œactive_cellā€, row_number,ā€œ\nrow_numberā€, row_data,ā€œ\nrow_dataā€, type_value)
key = list(filter(lambda x: reversefactor == type_value, reversefactor))[0]
display(ā€˜hello worldā€™)
fig1 = new_create_subplots(key)
return fig1

app.run_server(mode=ā€˜inlineā€™, height=800).

Please note if I run my function outside of call back it returns the figure. For example: fig = new_create_subplots(1) return my figure

What if it is set like this,

I tried the
error: AttributeError: ā€˜JupyterDashā€™ object has no attribute ā€˜runā€™

also tried:
app.run_server(mode=ā€˜inlineā€™, height=800,debug=True)

I did NOT receive an error but the print message did NOT appear either . I am open to try anything at this point

emm, I think you can put an empty div to output your print.

        Output("your-fig", "figure") ,
        Output('print-div', 'children')
        Input('avg_table', 'active_cell')
        State('avg_table', 'derived_virtual_data')
def change_area_graphs(avg_cell, avg_data):
    return new_create_subplots(key), str({"row_number": row_number}) 

Hi Stu,
I sure do appreciate your help! Unfortunately the printing using an empty div did not work.

I am a newbie but is there a way for me to see the output in the console if I right click and inspect the page. I dont see how but I really dont have a ton of experience with this type of thing

I found the error but how do I fix it?

Here is my table:

avg_table = DataTable(
id= ā€˜avg-idā€™,

How do I add my table in a DIV with the id so I can reference it in my callback

hi @marlainna456 ,
You didnā€™t put this empty div in your layout, did you?
Just make your layout look like this.


It seems that you didnā€™t being in touch with dash for too much time, I recommend you to subscribe to @adamschroeder 's channel, which can help you quickly find what you donā€™t understand now.

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Thank you @stu

hi @marlainna456
Can you please put your code in preformatted text so itā€™s easier to read.

layout = html.Div([title, container5])

I see this in your code. This layout does not have an ID. Thatā€™s why one of the error messages is: ID not found in layout.

Hi Adam, I am honored to hear from you. I was just watching one of your videos. Thank you. I am away from my computer right now. Thing is I donā€™t know how or where to add the ID. I am a fan. Just fyi. I am new to this and I have been spinning my wheels for day on this issue

Hi @marlainna456
I think you can learn Dash very quickly. Here are a couple of things I think could help you.

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Problem solved! Thanks

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Also, I went to my localhost:8888 site and entered my terminal token password for jupyter notebook and now my print messages are showing up as well All good!

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