Thanks for developing the Dash framework! It has been very helpful for me as a data scientist to demo the ideas and visualize the models at work!
I want to build an interactive tree (when user clicks on a note, it grows the leave nodes on the next layer).
Something like this tree:
However, it seems Dash does not have such graph type in the library (the tree plot is not interactive:
What are the possible ways to have this graph on my Dash app?
What is the easiest way? I’m a data scientist, and would like to pursue an lightweight way to develop and demo this.
@Dimuthu Each edge is a cubic Bezier curve, of control points (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3).
The svg path defined by such four tuples is defined as follows:
path=f'M{x0} {y0}, C {x1} {y1}, {x2} {y2}, {x3} {y3}'
Here is an example on how you define the inner control points of coordinates (x1,y1), (x2,y2):
@empet When we draw graph with high volume of data, it’s rendering time is very high. Are there any way to populates node first and then draw edges? Any workaround for this kind of scenario. Thanks a lot. Appreciate your support.