I was making really good progress with my dash app until I got stuck on this callback…
Output('output-container-date-picker-single', 'children'),
Input('my-date-picker-single', 'date'))
def update_output(date_value):
if date_value is not None:
date_object = date.fromisoformat(date_value)
date_string = date_object.strftime('%B %d, %Y')
return date_string
if date_value is None:
date_objectx = date.fromisoformat(date)
date_string = date_objectx.strftime('%B %d, %Y')
return date_string
pickedDate = update_output
SLGordersAc = """SELECT COUNT(slg.id) AS slg_orders_accepted
FROM zz_liab_visionlabs.slg_failure slg
WHERE slg.slg_declined_reason_id = 0
AND slg.reviewed_date = ?"""
cursor.execute(SLGordersAc, pickedDate)