Best practices with live Data

So I am having some trouble with some live data.

I have my data stored on DynamoDB on AWS, I pull from this data at the start of my app, however, this means the data is only pulled once, this previously did not seem to cause any issues, the data updated just fine. but now the data just seems to stay on the last app relaunch, I feel this happened when I updated dash, but I am not sure. Currently I am just using a cronjob to update the data, but this is far from ideal.

I’ve looked into fixing this with an update_data function with an interval timer, however I need some of the data, some machine ID’s and dates, for the drop down menus in the app layout.

What are the best practices in this case?


Are you serving your layout with a function?

I am not, as I am wrapping the dashboard inside flask for authentication and I thought that might cause some issues.