Hi, I dont know if this is a dash or a plotly q.
I need to do a bar chart, that has a multi select line
the multi is for the x axis, and the bar chart should be able to plot varius params.
the y axis should be the count
I have to wrap this with a call back, that should define and return a chart
Dont really know how to make all this.
It should look something like this:
@app.callback(Output('graph4', 'figure'), [Input('multi_select_line_chart1', 'value')])
def update_bar(df.columns[0]):
for VPIP in df.columns[0]:
chart4.add_trace(px.bar(x=df.columns[0], y=df[VPIP],
mode="lines", name=VPIP))
title="Apple Stock Prices [Apr-2019-Mar-2020]",
return chart4
Please help.