Axis title and legend disappeared after downloading the PNG

I tried the example from in jupyter notebook without any problem

But when I tried to download it as a PNG image,I got

It seems like the titles and legend won’t display if contain the LaTeX code

I thought it’s a common problem that must have been solved already, but I have not found a valid solution yet.

OS: Ubuntu 14.04
Browser:Chrome 57.0.2987.110 (64-bit)
Python 3.4.3
IPython 5.1.0
plotly 2.0.6

Hi there,
Thanks for reporting this issue, we are currently looking into the cause.

The same problem:Axis title and legend disappeared after downloading the PNG, PDF, all formats.

I NEED to export these plots right now!

and? what cann I do?

The only thing that works for me is to take a screenshot of the plot before exporting.

It doesn’t work. I can export png via screenshot as usual. But I need to
do post-work with the PDFs or EPS. I hope, the problem will be solved
soon. I have already miss a deadline.

Greetings from Zürich

A temporary fix has been implemented so that all exporting options work with LaTeX now. Please note the solution in place may cause the download to take a few seconds. We are planning on implementing a faster solution soon.