Automatic Server Shutdown Upon Browser Tab Closure

hello all,
Is it possible to add an EventListener or something that registers when the browser tab is closed and shuts down the server?

I have created an application with dash. I use cx_Freeze and “python bdist_msi” to have an installable application.
See this post: Convert Dash to executable file (.exe) - #3 by MGBpy
This all works so far.
When I made some changes and created a new .msi file I wanted to install it without uninstall the older version.
A new installation was not possible because my previous app was still running in the background.

The problem is that the server does not stop when I just close the browser tab.
I have tried several things to stop the server, e.g. with an additional javascript file with windwo.addEventListerner …
Unfortunately nothing really worked.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?

I have found a solution to my problem. Maybe it will help someone at some point.

I added a JavaScript file to my assets folder:

// Open dialogue window before leaving the page
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (e) {
    e.returnValue = true;

// Shutdown the server if the usere exits
window.addEventListener("unload", function (e) {
    fetch('/shutdown', { method: 'POST' });

Shutdown function in my

@app.server.route("/shutdown", methods=["POST"])
def shutdown():
    os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)  # Send a signal to the process to terminate

To include the assets folder take a look at: