Is it possible to do some auto zoom on the map?
When I plot some markers on different coordinates, it would be nice to have an automatic zoom that just put the view exactly at the coordinates.
Is it possible to do some auto zoom on the map?
When I plot some markers on different coordinates, it would be nice to have an automatic zoom that just put the view exactly at the coordinates.
I would wish to see a similar implementation, where the keyword-argument “zoom” related to mapbox-plots had an auto-zoom-like feature which zooms directly to the extent of the given coordinates.
The problem so far is that I have to run the code a lot of times with a distinct value of the zoom level until the resulting figure is zoomed sufficiently and just right towards the provided coordinate points.
fig = go.Figure()
trace = go.Densitymapbox(
this indeed would be great, we have an issue open here: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/issues/3434
for workarounds, see Dynamic Zoom for mapbox
would love for an organization out there to help funs the development of an enhancement like this: https://plotly.com/products/consulting-and-oem