I may be qoting the question wrong or in a misleading way. Please correct if wrong.
So, I’m trying to nicely animate some traces and I came up with this function
var traceIndex = 0
function animateData(xData, yData, delay = 10, traceStyle = { mode: 'lines' }) {
let len = xData.length;
var i = 0;
function updatePlot() {
if (i > grid) return
setTimeout(() => {
Plotly.restyle(root, {
x: [xData.slice(0, i)],
y: [yData.slice(0, i)]
}, traceIndex).then(updatePlot)
}, delay)
Plotly.addTraces(root, {
x: [],
y: [],
This can animate a trace like this
But it gets messed up, and plots them simultaneously , when I’m trying to animate mulitple plots like this
How do I implement the function, so that it animate the traces one by one.
Also, if there’s and plotly itself way to do what I’m trying to achieve, then that’s much welcome.