I am trying to take the animated area fill example and turn it into an animated 3D scatter plot without luck so far Is this possible? I have placed the xyz axes in scene. What happens to the “updatemenus:” material? I have tried putting in inside and outside of scene.
Here is my code to plot a sphere as a bunch of markers. The camera settings are from another 3D coding that works but may not be appropriate for this.
var frames = []
var x = [];
var y = [];
var z = [];
var theta;
var stheta;
var phi;
var n = 300;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
theta = 3.1412 * Math.random();
stheta = Math.sin(theta);
phi = 3.142 * Math.random();
// Find x,y,z
x[i] = stheta * Math.cos(phi);
y[i] = stheta * Math.sin(phi);
z[i] = Math.cos(theta)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
frames[i] = {data: [{x: [], y: [], z: []}]}
frames[i].data[0].x = x.slice(0, i+1);
frames[i].data[0].y = y.slice(0, i+1);
frames[i].data[0].z = z.slice(0, i+1);
Plotly.plot(‘myDiv’, [{
x: frames[1].data[0].x,
y: frames[1].data[0].y,
z: frames[1].data[0].z,
type: 'scatter3D',
mode: 'markers',
line: {color: 'green'}
}], {
title: “Animation”,
autosize: true,
width: 500,
height: 450,
margin: {l: 0, r: 20, b: 30, t: 30},
lightposition: {x: 20, y: 1000, z:5},
scene: {
{eye:{x:1, y:-1.8, z:1},
center:{x:-0.5, y:0, z:-0.2}},
xaxis: {
range: [-1,1]},
yaxis: {
range: [-1,1]},
zaxis: {
range: [-1,1]},
updatemenus: [{
x: 0.1,
y: 0,
yanchor: "top",
xanchor: "right",
showactive: false,
direction: "left",
type: "buttons",
pad: {"t": 87, "r": 10},
buttons: [{
method: "animate",
args: [null, {
fromcurrent: true,
transition: {
duration: 0,
frame: {
duration: 0,
redraw: false
label: "Play"
}, {
method: "animate",
args: [
mode: "immediate",
transition: {
duration: 0
}, frame: {
duration: 0,
redraw: false
label: "Pause"
} // scene
}).then(function() {
Plotly.addFrames(‘myDiv’, frames);