I am new to plotly.js, I have unknown number of variables to be plotted. The user can select/deselect the variables(trace) and
the corresponding traces will have to be added and removed dynamically in the plot. I have a continuous stream of data coming from a database.
I have tried using Addtraces() /RemoveTraces()/ExtendTraces() combination without success. Firstly Plotly.AddTraces doesn’t work(throiws error “TypeError: Plotly.addTraces is not a function”!!!).
ExtendTraces works only if I have one variable(trace), when I set the maxsize I even get to see the live streaming effect when I keep adding one data point every second, but stragely this doesn’t work if I have more than one trace.
if I have only one trace, even deleteTraces works. My problem is handling unknown number of traces, which can be added and deleted at freewill by the user