Adding a plot outline

Hi! I was able to produce the attached plot with outlines around the original axes but I would like the outline to include the histograms as well. Is there a way to actually do that?

Thanks a lot!

Hello @Tas

Yes, you can mirror the axes lines on the opposite sides, check out this example from the docs - Mirroring axis lines

Hi @atharvakatre, thanks a lot! That’s exactly how I managed to outline the contour part of the plot but I’m trying to include the histograms in the outline as well.

fig.update_xaxes(linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True, ticks='inside', 


fig.update_yaxes(linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True, ticks='inside', 

don’t seem to be doing anything to the outlines of the histograms unfortunatley…