Adding a New Feature to Dash Ag Grid's Sidebar

Hello, I am a licensed user of Dash Enterprise Version and have been utilizing Dash Ag grid effectively in my project.

I am reaching out to inquire about the potential development of an additional feature.

As you see the image in the link(Sidebar | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly), I am focusing on the Side Bar of the Ag Grid.
I am interested in creating a new custom tab on this sidebar where a specific component can be displayed.
Ultimately, my goal is to have detailed information about a cell appear in this sidebar when the cell within the grid is selected. Could you please provide guidance on how this might be achieved? Thank you.

Hello @wowwwn,

This is to only be displayed when a specific cell is clicked?

You should be able to add a new tab to the sidebar, if you can do it in the underlying AG grid.

Hi @wowwwn

Is there an example in the upstream AG Grid docs of what you are trying to do? If so, we could help make a Dash version .

Thank you for your previous response.
I want to make a custom sidebar tab and print out something like AgGrid cell clicked data

So I want to know if its possible to do:

  1. Create a custom div in the sidebar, like: html.Div(id=“sidebar”)?
  2. Update this div when a cell is clicked, using a callback like code bellow
       Output("sidebar", "children"),
       Input("ag-grid", "cellClicked")
   def update_sidebar(cell):
       return f"Clicked cell info: {json.dumps(cell, indent=2)}"

If this is possible, how can I implement it? If not, what alternatives would you suggest?

Thank you for your help!

Can you find an example in the AG Grid docs? React Grid: Side Bar | AG Grid

If not, since you have Enterprise, you could ask the AG Grid support team. If you can get an example in React, we can help make a Dash example.

Thanks for the reply,
Ok, Since there is no example in AG Grid docs, I’ll ask for the React example to AG Grid support team first. Thankyou

One challenge I’m also facing is how to customize the sidebar of the Ag Grid. Specifically, I’m looking to add a custom tab that displays detailed information about a selected cell directly within the sidebar. While I’ve successfully implemented various features with Dash, I’m unsure how to approach this particular customization.