Hello there ,
I tried to add buttons to a Scattermapbox object in order to be able to zoom in on certain places but it doesn’t seem to work. Buttons showed up, and I was able to click on them, but nothing happened. Is it an expected behavior? Did I miss or fail something?
You can replicate it by running the following code snippet (based on this example) :
import plotly.graph_objects as go
lat = ['38.91427', '38.91538', '38.91458',
'38.92239', '38.93222', '38.90842',
'38.91931', '38.93260', '38.91368',
'38.88516', '38.921894', '38.93206',
lon = ['-77.02827', '-77.02013', '-77.03155',
'-77.04227', '-77.02854', '-77.02419',
'-77.02518', '-77.03304', '-77.04509',
'-76.99656', '-77.042438', '-77.02821',
coffee = ["The coffee bar", "Bistro Bohem", "Black Cat",
"Snap", "Columbia Heights Coffee", "Azi's Cafe",
"Blind Dog Cafe", "Le Caprice", "Filter",
"Peregrine", "Tryst", "The Coupe",
"Big Bear Cafe"]
fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox(lat=lat, lon=lon, mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=9), text=coffee))
fig.update_layout(autosize=True, hovermode='closest',
mapbox=dict(style='open-street-map', bearing=0, center=dict(lat=38.92, lon=-77.07), pitch=0, zoom=10))
buttons = []
for lat_, lon_, coffee_ in zip(lat, lon, coffee):
buttons.append({'label': coffee_, 'method': 'restyle', 'args': ['mapbox', {
'center': {'lat': lat_, 'lon': lon_},
'zoom': 14
fig.update_layout(updatemenus=[{'type': 'buttons', 'buttons': buttons}])
Thanks a lot !