Abbreviated tick markers

We are trying to figure out how to have unabbreviated tick marker on our plot. currently the plot shows 3.5M but we would like it to show 350000.

current code:
import dash

import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc

fig = dict({
“data”: [{“type”: “bar”,
“x”: [100000, 2222222, 333333],
“y”: [111122, 3344445, 2987523]}],
“layout”: {“title”: {“text”: “A Figure Specified By Python Dictionary”}}

To display the figure defined by this dict, use the low-level function

import as pio


Hi @desertwrangler ,

You can set tickmode as array for both yaxis and xaxis.
You also need to set tickvals and ticktext.

import dash

import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc

fig = dict({
"data": [{"type": "bar",
"x": [100000, 2222222, 333333],
"y": [111122, 3344445, 2987523]}],
"layout": {
		"title": {"text": "A Figure Specified By Python Dictionary"},
		# Add xaxis tick mode as array 
		"xaxis": dict(tickmode = 'array',
	        tickvals =[100000, 2222222, 333333],
	        ticktext = ['100000', '2222222', '333333']),
		# Add yaxis tick mode as array
        "yaxis": dict(tickmode = 'array',
	        tickvals =list(range(0,3_600_000,500_000)),
	        ticktext = [str(val) for val in range(0,3_600_000,500_000)])

#To display the figure defined by this dict, use the low-level function
import as pio