My aim is to create a 3D yield curve using the Plotly library in Javascript. I have found these examples of people achieving this in Python and R:
I have also read through the examples of creating 3D graphs on:
From these examples I am able to plot one year of yield curve data using the following code:
// Add an empty element
DivElement divElement = new DivElement() = "800px" = "800px";
// Create trace & layout options
Map traceA =
'x': ['1-month', '3-month', '6-month', '1-year', '2-year', '3-year', '5-year', '7-year', '10-year', '20-year', '30-year'],
'y': ['1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02', '1990-01-02'],
'z': [ '' , 7.83, 7.89, 7.81, 7.87, 7.9, 7.87, 7.98, 7.94, '' , 8.0],
'type': 'scatter3d',
'mode': 'lines'
Map layout = { };
// Plot
Plot plot = new Plot(divElement, [traceA], layout);
My issue though is how do I plot multiple years worth of data? I am able to achieve this by plotting a new trace for every year. For example, the following code achieves this:
// Add an empty element
DivElement divElement = new DivElement() = "800px" = "800px";
// Create trace & layout options
List traces = [];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
Map trace =
'x': ['1-month', '3-month', '6-month', '1-year', '2-year', '3-year', '5-year', '7-year', '10-year', '20-year', '30-year'],
'y': ['1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}', '1990-01-0${i}'],
'z': ['' , 7.83, 7.89, 7.81, 7.87, 7.9, 7.87, 7.98, 7.94, '' , 8.0, '' ],
'type': 'scatter3d',
'mode': 'lines'
Map layout = { };
// Plot
Plot plot = new Plot(divElement, traces, layout);
But I am not sure that plotting a new trace for every year can be the correct method? Is it not possible for example to supply an array of arrays as the z-axis or something similar (I have tried that but did not work for me). Note the code above is in Dart but happy for javascript examples as the 2 languages are very similar and know most people know javascript over dart.)