3D Surface Plot failed to render for a 512X128 array

I need to create a 3d surface plot where the data is a 512 by 128 int array.
I exactly followed the tutorial code, only update the z_data array with my own data points (512 by 128 2D array) -
3d surface plots in JavaScript (plotly.com)

This is the error that is captured in console -

   Canvas2D: Multiple readback operations using getImageData are faster with the willReadFrequently attribute set to true. See: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#concept-canvas-will-read-frequently

(anonymous) @ plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8

   Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'uniformMatrix4fv' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': Overload resolution failed.
at u.uniforms (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1728693)
at M.D (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1762783)
at S.draw (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1765058)
at q (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1694897)
at F.redraw (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1695837)
at w.plot (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:655541)
at e.plot (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:632604)
at e.drawData (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:444184)
at f.syncOrAsync (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:336123)
at e._doPlot (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:422499)


   Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'uniformMatrix4fv' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': Overload resolution failed.
at u.uniforms (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1728693)
at M.D (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1762783)
at S.draw (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1765058)
at q (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1694897)
at t (plotly-2.18.0.min.js:8:1695766)

I can provide the code and the data points that I used to create the plot.
Please help.

I was able to resolve this. My data array from CSV file had a typo.