Hi @adamschroeder,
So basically the default colors look like this:
f = px.bar(xdf, x='x',y='y',color = 'g')
But i want to use an alternative color sequence. And what I want is to apply this color scheme (or be able to toggle between a few alternatives) to a list of charts already created. But if I use update_layout, it wont take effect (btw color_discrete_sequence is not available through update_layout so i tried colorway and some other options with no success):
f.update_layout(colorway = px.colors.diverging.Geyser) #will produce the following chart
Only if the chart was created with the alternative color sequence will it actually show them:
f2 = px.bar(xdf, x='x',y='y',color = 'g',color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.diverging.Geyser) #WORKS
So the question is - is there a way to update charts with new color schemes after they have been created?