It also looks like there might be a typo in your className
: “six column
” instead of “six columns
I was wondering what the reccomended best practices are for debugging issues similar to the ones I am having.
Great question. I’ll expand this out into a larger chapter in the documentation but for now, here are some tips and tricks:
Backend Debugging
1 - Explicitly viewing errors: If an error occurs in any of your functions that are wrapped in app.callback
, it’ll get printed in your terminal (this won’t work in Jupyter notebooks). If you use debug=True
when running the app (app.run_server(debug=True)
) then if you modify your code, your app will automatically restart (even if there was an error).
Note that the app’s frontend may not notify you that an error occured (this will change in the future). Here’s an example of what tracebacks look like.
Here’s the code that I am using to demonstrate this error:
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
app = dash.Dash()
app.layout = html.Div([
@app.callback(dash.dependencies.Output('my-output', 'children'), [dash.dependencies.Input('my-input', 'value')])
def update_output(input_value):
raise Exception('error!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
2 - IPDB: There is an excellent debugger for (i)python called ipdb (pip install ipdb
). You can insert a debugger statement in your callback functions with import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
and that will launch an interactive session in your code for you. Here’s what it looks like in my terminal:
Frontend Debugging
1 - DevTools - If no error was raised in the backend code then there might’ve been an error in the front-end. These are harder to detect and a few things can cause errors:
- There could be a genuine bug in Dash. In this case, try to isolate your example into something extremely simple and create an issue at Issues · plotly/dash · GitHub
- The data that you are returning from your callback isn’t in the right form. In this case,
out the data that you’re returning in your callback and visually inspect it.
One way to check for errors in the front-end is to open up your browser’s “Dev Tools” environment. Chrome is recommended here. Uncaught errors are printed out in red. Here is what chrome devtools looks like with a few errors:
2 - Debugging Styling
Your app may not look exactly how you want it to look and the feedback cycle from modifying Dash code to seeing the updated app in your browser can take a few seconds which can feel like a long time if you’re making hundreds of edits. I recommend two prototyping environments:
1- Chrome Devtools: With DevTools you can modify the Dash app’s HTML CSS classes or the HTML component’s style
directly without refreshing your browser. You can manually copy over those styles or classes into your Dash app code when your satisfied with it. Here’s a good tutorial on editing styles: View and change CSS | DevTools | Chrome for Developers
2- CodePen: I have a Dash styleguide on CodePen here: You can fork this styleguide and prototype a rough outline of your app in HTML and then manually port those changes over to your Dash code. You’re free to modify the CSS as well!
Chart Debugging
1 - plotly.graph_objs
- Plotly graphs (dash_core_components.Graph
) are described declaratively through the figure
property. This property is composed of a set of dictionaries with special keys like x
, y
, marker
, name
, etc that completely describe what the graph looks like.
There are two ways to describe a graph.
1 - You can use just regular dict
and list
objects like: figure={'data': [{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 1, 2], 'type': 'bar'}]
2 - You can use plotly.graph_objs
, which subclass dict
and list
but provide validation around the keys. With graph_objs
, that example would look like plotly.graph_objs.Bar(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[4, 1 2])
The nice thing about plotly.graph_objs
is that it does validation. If you specify a key that isn’t valid, then it’ll raise an error. Using dict
or a list
will not raise errors. Here is a simple example:
>>> go.Bar(xx=[1, 2, 3])
PlotlyDictKeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-f7e181fdb056> in <module>()
----> 1 go.Bar(xx=[1, 2, 3])
/Users/chriddyp/Repos/dash-stuff/dash-sandbox/vv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plotly/graph_objs/graph_objs.pyc in __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
375 d = {key: val for key, val in dict(*args, **kwargs).items()}
376 for key, val in d.items():
--> 377 self.__setitem__(key, val, _raise=_raise)
379 def __dir__(self):
/Users/chriddyp/Repos/dash-stuff/dash-sandbox/vv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plotly/graph_objs/graph_objs.pyc in __setitem__(self, key, value, _raise)
426 if _raise:
427 path = self._get_path() + (key, )
--> 428 raise exceptions.PlotlyDictKeyError(self, path)
429 return
PlotlyDictKeyError: 'xx' is not allowed in 'bar'
Path To Error: ['xx']
Valid attributes for 'bar' at path [] under parents []:
['bardir', 'base', 'basesrc', 'dx', 'dy', 'error_x', 'error_y',
'hoverinfo', 'hovertext', 'hovertextsrc', 'insidetextfont',
'legendgroup', 'marker', 'name', 'offset', 'offsetsrc', 'opacity',
'orientation', 'outsidetextfont', 'r', 'rsrc', 'showlegend', 'stream',
't', 'text', 'textfont', 'textposition', 'textpositionsrc', 'textsrc',
'tsrc', 'type', 'uid', 'visible', 'width', 'widthsrc', 'x', 'x0',
'xaxis', 'xcalendar', 'xsrc', 'y', 'y0', 'yaxis', 'ycalendar', 'ysrc']
Run `<bar-object>.help('attribute')` on any of the above.
'<bar-object>' is the object at []
2 - Online Chart Editor: We have built an online chart editor GUI for creating Plotly graphs: Online Graph Maker · Plotly Chart Studio. This chart editor using the same underlying libraries that dash_core_components.Graph
and features a “JSON Editor” that displays the JSON representation of the chart that you’re editing. If your graph isn’t quite looking the way you want it to, then I highly recommend creating and editing the chart on Online Graph Maker · Plotly Chart Studio and then exporting the code into your Dash app.
Finally, Plotly does training and has a team that is available for one-on-one support if you’re company has the resources (support contracts here: Chart Studio Cloud Support, contact the sales team here: Consulting, Training & Open-Source Development)