Several datasets on a single map

Hello to all
Im trying to plot some locations extracted from several datasets onto a US map. I already tried the “split” parameter but this only works when i have a single dataset and i can segregate by one column. Since i have 3 different datasets, is it possible to use all of the 3 datasets at the same time on one single us map and differentiate by color? due to the original dataset construction, i cannot filter but one single column, therefore i need to use the 3 separate datasets

this is what i have so far. as you can see, this creates 3 different us maps, each one based on a different dataset


tesla_locations_chargers <- subset(tesla_locations, charger == "Yes")
tesla_locations_chargers <- subset(tesla_locations_chargers, country == "United States")
tesla_locations_stores <- subset(tesla_locations, store == "Yes")
tesla_locations_stores <- subset(tesla_locations_stores, country == "United States")
tesla_locations_service <- subset(tesla_locations, service == "Yes")
tesla_locations_service <- subset(tesla_locations_service, country == "United States")

g <- list(
  scope = 'usa',
  projection = list(type = 'albers usa'),
  showland = TRUE,
  landcolor = toRGB("gray95"),
  subunitcolor = toRGB("gray85"),
  countrycolor = toRGB("gray85"),
  countrywidth = 0.5,
  subunitwidth = 0.5

#plotting stores on us
fig1 = plot_geo(tesla_locations_stores, 
               lat = ~latitude, 
               lon = ~longitude 
               #split = ~charger

fig1 <- fig1 %>% add_markers(text = ~paste(title,city, sub_region,sep = "<br />"),
                            symbol = I("square"), 
                            size = I(8), 
                            hoverinfo = "text"
fig1 <- fig1 %>% layout(title = 'Tesla stores in the US', geo = g)

#plotting chargers network on us
fig2 = plot_geo(tesla_locations_chargers, 
                lat = ~latitude, 
                lon = ~longitude 
                #split = ~charger

fig2 <- fig2 %>% add_markers(text = ~paste(title,city, sub_region,sep = "<br />"),
                             symbol = I("square"), 
                             size = I(8), 
                             hoverinfo = "text"
fig2 <- fig2 %>% layout(title = 'Tesla chargers in the US', geo = g)

#plotting service network on us
fig3 = plot_geo(tesla_locations_service, 
                lat = ~latitude, 
                lon = ~longitude 
                #split = ~charger

fig3 <- fig3 %>% add_markers(text = ~paste(title,city, sub_region,sep = "<br />"),
                             symbol = I("square"), 
                             size = I(8), 
                             hoverinfo = "text"
fig3 <- fig3 %>% layout(title = 'Tesla service stations in the US', geo = g)