Setting Layout in Groupby Scatter

Hi @t.shaefrench,

The transforms mechanism in Plotly.js is very well supported in When working in Python I generally recommend using pandas for this functionality. Here’s an example I posted just this morning of using
a pandas groupby to construct a collection of traces from a DataFrame (Similar to seaborn’s hue function in plotly)

If you want to stick with transform, then don’t use the objects in the graph_objs package. Instead, represent your figure with plain dicts and lists. Then pass the figure dict into iplot and set the validate argument to False: iplot(fig, validate=False)

Hope that helps!

If you’d like some more help with your particular example, please include some sample data for df_transform and repost the code using “Fenced code blocks” (This way the code formattting won’t get messed up by the markdown renderer).

