Return calculated results based on callback inputs


Apologies if this is a silly question. I am still learning. I want to take in a series of inputs, and based on each input, return a calculated result as an output for the user to see.

Please see an example below:

dash.dependencies.Output(‘output-state’, ‘children’),
[dash.dependencies.Input(‘submit-button’, ‘n_clicks’)],
State(‘length’, ‘value’),
State(‘count’, ‘value’),
State(‘depth’, ‘value’),
State(‘hdd’, ‘value’)])
def update_output(n_clicks,line,length,count,depth,hdd):
if pipeline == ‘QC’:
if length == ‘E’:
return 'Total Size is {} '.format(count*12)

The above is treating count as a string instead of an integer, even though the original input has type=‘number’.

Please let me know how I might be able to do this in an efficient way.


Apologies for the trigger happy post:

The answer is to simply convert the value to an int using int(), like so:

return 'Total Size is {} '.format(int(count)*12)