Plotly React Bar and Linear Chart

In the linear chart yaxis value is correct
when change to bar chart yaxis value is showing incorrect?

import React, { Component } from ‘react’;

import Plot from ‘react-plotly.js’;

import * as d3 from ‘d3’;

import csv from ‘./data.csv’;

class App extends Component {



this.state ={ data: [] }


componentDidMount() {

d3.csv(csv).then(data => {

  this.setState( {data: data} )



formatDate (sec) {

let _hour = 0 ;

let _minute = 0 ;

let _seconds = 0 ;

_hour = Math.floor(

  (sec % (60 * 60 * 24)) / (60 * 60)


_minute = Math.floor(

  (sec % (60 * 60)) / 60


_seconds = Math.floor(sec % 60);

_hour = _hour < 10 ? '0'+_hour : _hour;

_minute = _minute < 10 ? '0'+_minute : _minute;

_seconds = _seconds < 10 ? '0'+_seconds : _seconds;

return _hour+":"+_minute+":"+_seconds


transformData (data) {

let plot_data = [];

let x = [];

let y = [];

for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {

  let X = data[i].x - data[0].x;


  X = this.formatDate(X/1e3)


  let Y = data[i].y;  



plot_data['x'] = x;

plot_data['y'] = y;

return plot_data


render() {

return (



      <div id = "myDiv" onClick={('plotly_click', function(data) {



            // for(var i=0; i<data.points.length; i++){

            //     let annotate_text = 'x = '+data.points[i].x +' y = '+data.points[i].y;

            //     console.log(annotate_text)

                // let annotation = {

                //     text: annotate_text,

                //     x: data.points[i].x,

                //     y: parseFloat(data.points[i].y)

                // }

                // let annotations = self.layout.annotations || [];

                // annotations.push(annotation);

                // Plotly.relayout('myDiv',{annotations: annotations})

            // }




        data = {[


              type: 'linear',

              mode: 'lines',

              x: this.transformData(['x'],

              y: this.transformData(['y'],

              line: {color: 'green'},



        layout = { {width: 1250, height: 600, title: 'Read Data', // dragmode: 'pan',

          xaxis: {

            autotick: false,

            // fixedrange: true,

            tick0: 0,

            dtick: 30,

            ticklen: 4,

            tickwidth: 2,

            tickcolor: '#000',

            showgrid: true,

            zeroline: true,

            showline: true,

            gridcolor: '#bdbdbd',

            gridwidth: 1,

            zerolinecolor: '#969696',

            zerolinewidth: 2,

            linecolor: '#636363',

            linewidth: 1



          yaxis: {

            autorange: true,

            // range: [600, 900],

            // fixedrange: true,

            tick0: 0,

            ticklen: 4,

            tickwidth: 2,

            tickcolor: '#000',

            showgrid: true,

            zeroline: true,

            showline: true,

            gridcolor: '#bdbdbd',

            gridwidth: 1,

            zerolinecolor: '#969696',

            zerolinewidth: 2,

            linecolor: '#636363',

            linewidth: 1


          updatemenus : [{

            // type : "buttons",

            // direction : 'right',

            y: 680,

            yanchor: 'top',

            buttons: [{

                method: 'restyle',

                args: ['line.color', 'red'],

                label: 'Red'

            }, {

                method: 'restyle',

                args: ['line.color', 'blue'],

                label: 'Blue'

            }, {

                method: 'restyle',

                args: ['line.color', 'green'],

                label: 'Green'

            }, {

                method: 'restyle',

                args: ['line.color', 'orange'],

                label: 'Orange'


          }, {

            // type : "buttons",

            // direction : 'left',

            yanchor: 'bottom',

            buttons: [{

                method: 'restyle',

                args: ['type', 'linear'],

                label: 'Linear'

            }, {

                method: 'restyle',

                args: ['type', 'bar'],

                label: 'Bar'



          showlegend: false,

        } }


        config={{scrollZoom:true,  displaylogo: false, responsive: true, editable: true}}








export default App;

/**** this is complete code ****/