Plotly - notebook / Very slow render with many graphs

Hi all,

Iโ€™m working on a big refactor of the rendering subsystem in, and one of the new renderers is going to be an iframe renderer that stores each figure as a separate HTML file in a directory next to the notebook and then inserts an iframe in the notebook that references the HTML file.

I would appreciate it if some folks who have notebooks that are bogging down JupyterLab could give this branch a try (installation instructions and report back on whether the iframe renderer improves responsiveness. To use the iframe renderer on this branch, donโ€™t call init_notebook_mode(), but do callโ€ฆ

import as pio
pio.renderers.default = 'iframe'

once at the top of the notebook before displaying figure with iplot.

One limitation of the iframe renderer to be aware of is that doesnโ€™t support responsive resizing. As of 3.8.1 the iframe renderer supports resizing.


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