MongoDB websocket and Dash plot

I have included below, a sample python script ( that generates some random (fake) data and inserts it into a MongoDB Collection named TestCollection. You have to keep this script running in another command prompt/terminal along with in the previous post. Also remember to change the text FloatingEquity in line 62 in the script to TestCollection. To see the Websocket results while the two scripts are running, open your browser and type localhost:8000 in the address bar , then right click → Inspect → Console. Please find the script below:

import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient,ReturnDocument
from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure, AutoReconnect, BulkWriteError, OperationFailure
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import credentials
import random
import time

## Load MongoDB Credentials and Cluster details
## Fix MongoClient DB connection errors by following this -
credentials_mongodb = credentials.mongodb
user_id = credentials_mongodb["username"]
password = credentials_mongodb["password"]
domain = credentials_mongodb["domain"]
database = credentials_mongodb["db"]
CLIENT_URI = "mongodb+srv://{}:{}@{}/admin?retryWrites=true&w=majority".format(user_id, password, domain)

def MongoDB_Connection(client_uri : str = CLIENT_URI) -> dict:
    Makes a connection to the MongoDB Cluster and returns success or exception handling (error) messages.
    ## Reference:

    client_url  : str, default = CLIENT_URI stored in
                  Client URL to connect to the MongoDB cluster.

    dict        : {Success or Failure message}
    client = MongoClient(client_uri)
        client.admin.command('ismaster') # The ismaster command is cheap and does not require auth.
        return client
    except (AutoReconnect, ConnectionFailure) as e:
        error_message = e + ": Server not available"
        return e

def MongoDB_Collection_Write(collection_name : str, docs_to_insert: dict, db: str = database) -> str:
    Writes documents to a MongoDB Collection.
    collection_name : str, name of the collection in MongoDB
    docs_to_insert  : a single dict,
                      Document to insert into a MongoDB collection in list of dicts format
    db              : str, name of the database in MongoDB

    messages        : dict, {doc_iD : Success/Failure message}
                      Success or Failure message with documents insertion ID

    client = MongoDB_Connection()
    db = client[db]
    collection = db[collection_name]
        result = collection.insert_one(docs_to_insert).inserted_id
        message = "{} - Document Inserted successfully into `{}` collection".format(result, collection_name)
        return {result : message}
    except Exception as e:
        error_message = "An {} Exception occured when inserting a document into `{}` Collection. ".format(e,collection_name)
        return error_message

initial_equity = 100000.0

while True:
    new_row = {}
    timestamp =
    pnl = round(random.uniform(-1000,999), 2)
    nr_open_positions = random.randint(0,5)
    equity = round(initial_equity + pnl, 2)
    new_row = {"time": timestamp, "equity": equity, "PnL" : pnl, "OpenPositions" : int(nr_open_positions)}
    MongoDB_Collection_Write(collection_name = "TestCollection", docs_to_insert = new_row) ## Insert last equity value at the time of closing the last open position
    print(f"Timestamp: {timestamp} || OpenPositions: {nr_open_positions} || Equity: {equity} US$  || Profit: {pnl} US$")

I hope this helps to recreate the problem at your end, very easily. The resulting incoming stream of WebSocket data from MongoDB needs to be plotted in a streaming line plot equity vs. time and other fields like OpenPositions, PnL needs to be shown on these dash cards . Let me know if you need any further assistance from my end.

Best Regards,