~Million scatter points on a large image

Hey, I am wondering how feasible it will be to have a background image with about one million scatter points on top of it in a local dash app. I also want the clicking of scatter points to be detectable (not on the background image). The background image will be at least 2300 x 2300 pixels so I will likely have to downsample this (its exact quality/resolution is not important).

  • Do you think python dash is the right way to go about this? I love the easy UI customisability of dash so I hoped to stick with it.
  • Am I going to have trouble with callbacks timing out because of so many spots, especially when first opening the app?

Thank you for any help with this!

Not a good idea for a project, it would be a real struggle getting this to work and adding callbacks to manage ~1 million data points might cause your computer to burst into flames… For your health and the health of your computer I’d advice against this.

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Thanks for the heads up. I will look into a more suitable alternative solution.