Links in datatable - Multipage App

Hi there. Your html table is the one that seemed to do the trick for me. However, my table has the potential to get very big very quickly as it is updated. DO you’ve any idea of how I can add pagination functionality to the html table.=? I’ve tried implementing some javascript but i’m terrible with js, and nothing I do seems to work. I’d appreciate some help.

Thank, this explanation was great! I just want to add something I had to do to fix an issue with the “forEach” iteration:

FROM: cells.forEach((elem, index, array) => {

TO: Array.from(cells).forEach((elem, index, array) => {

cells.forEach alone kept giving me problems. I do not know if I missed something, but the solution above solved the issue.

Thank you!

sadly no i’d never added pagination maybe you can add a button below and a callback that slice your data frame in pieces so you can only show a proper amount of records. this example is old though maybe dash-table has a n alternative now more vaible

Sir how i can defined ui??

can you share your app-ui.js

The first code block of my previous post contains sample code (app-ui.js): Links in datatable - Multipage App

Just a general note – I just checked in on the dash_table docs, and it seems that this discussion is now deprecated. Table columns now can be displayed as markdown entries, which means you can generate links through formatting the text input (rather than a slow js hack). Looks like this has been possible for a few months?

Set the presentation = markdown for the column in question.

       dict(id='column-1', name='name-1', presentation='markdown', other column properties..), 

For the column in question, use the markdown format for links

[the link title](the-url-for-the-link)

Thank you for the feedback!

This information is great Brad! However, I do have a question. I need to open the links in a new window. I know there is an attribute named:

markdown_options = {‘link_target’: ‘_blank’}

that can be used to open the link in a new TAB. However, I need to open my link a new window. Do you have any idea about how I can accomplish this?

Thank you very much,