📣 Introducing Dash `/pages` - A Dash 2.x Feature Preview

Hi @nopria - The issue that @raptorbrad was referring to was fixed in dash 2.5.1.

Here are the steps to go from the dash-labs plug-in to dash. It looks like you might have missed step 2. Can you let me know if this works for you?

Convert your multi-page app from a dash-labs pages plug-in to the pages feature in dash 2.5.1 in 3 easy steps:

  1. Remove import dash_labs as dl or upgrade dash-labs to V1.1.0
    There is a conflict between dash-labs versions less than 1.1.0 when running a pages app in dash 2.5.1

  2. Change:

app = Dash(__name__, plugins=[dl.plugins.pages])


app = Dash(__name__, use_pages=True)
  1. Change:



That’s it!

:point_right: Thepages feature will no longer be developed in dash-labs. I recommend all dash-labs multi-page apps be converted to use the pages feature in dash>= 2.5.1