ImportError: cannot import name 'ClientsideFunction' from 'dash.dependencies'

Hello everyone,

I’m running on windows 10 or more, I use anaconda, I used conda install -c conda-forge dash. Then on my notebook I used import dash. And I got the following message :

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-37-41ab4880e0b0> in <module>
----> 1 import dash

~\anaconda3\envs\foodtracker\lib\site-packages\dash\ in <module>
      3 # must come before any other imports.
      4 __plotly_dash = True
----> 5 from .dependencies import (  # noqa: F401,E402
      6     Input,  # noqa: F401,E402
      7     Output,  # noqa: F401,E402

ImportError: cannot import name 'ClientsideFunction' from 'dash.dependencies' (C:\Users\ceche\anaconda3\envs\foodtracker\lib\site-packages\dash\

Do you know what is it or how to solve it ?

Thank you for your help!