How to plot two 3D spheres in the same graph? .[3D SOLAR SYSTEM]


As long as you have defined the first sphere of center (x1, y1, z1) and radius r1=6371,

x  = x1 + r1 * np.outer()
y  = y1 + r1 * np.outer()
z  = z1 + r1 * np.outer()

then the second sphere of center (x2, y2, z2) and radius r2 will be:

defined by:

x  = x2 + r2 * np.outer()
y  = y2 +  r2 * np.outer()
z =  z2 + r2  *np.outer()

The arguments for np.outer() are the same for both spheres.
Hence you have to set x2, y2, z2, and r2.

For the already plotted sphere, the center is (0,0,0).