How to insert new values to filter after the callback? (Update filter)

My situation is such that I get a table by user_id only after he logged in.
For example :

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

#Filter with static values
Month_Selector = dcc.Dropdown(id='month_dropdown',
                                      {"label": "November 2021", "value": "November 2021"},
                                      {"label": "October 2021", "value": "October 2021"},
                                      {"label": "September 2021", "value": "September 2021"},
                                          placeholder="Select Month",
                                          value ='%B %Y'),

app.layout = html.Div(
    html.Div(Month_Selector, style={'width': '200px'}),

        Output(component_id='chart', component_property='figure')
        [Input(component_id="submit-button-state", component_property="n_clicks"),
         Input(component_id="month_dropdown", component_property="value")]
    def get_user_name(n_clicks, selected_month):
        # Can get a table only after user authorization.
        df= get_table_by_an_authorized_user_id
        #filter table by slicer value
        filtered_df= df[ (df['Month Name'] == selected_month)]
        # This new values that need to insert to slicer Month_Selector
        new_options_for_month_selector=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in df['Month Name'].unique()]
        fig =, x='Month Name', y='Sales')
        return fig
    # Run Local Server
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run_server(debug=True, use_reloader=False)    

Therefore before @callback I can use only filter static values.
How can I update or replace filter values with dynamic values I get after a @callback ?

I will assume that you want to update the figure and the dropdown in the same callback just when the button is clicked (not by selecting a new value in the dropdown).

Then this should do the deed:

         Output(component_id='chart', component_property='figure'),
         Output(component_id="month_dropdown", component_property="options")
        Input(component_id="submit-button-state", component_property="n_clicks"),
         State(component_id="month_dropdown", component_property="value")
def get_user_name(n_clicks, selected_month):
    # Can get a table only after user authorization.
    df= get_table_by_an_authorized_user_id
    #filter table by slicer value
    filtered_df= df[ (df['Month Name'] == selected_month)]
    # This new values that need to insert to slicer Month_Selector
    new_options_for_month_selector=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in df['Month Name'].unique()]
    fig =, x='Month Name', y='Sales')
    return fig, new_options_for_month_selector

I should also add that this might be a bit confusing for usability, as one might not be able to “unselect” the first dynamic filter, if this makes sense… Once a month is selected, there is no way to go back to all options.