You can change the color scheme using “colors” rather than “colorscale”.
library(plotly) scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "d1 (bohr)"), yaxis = list(title = "d2 (bohr)"), zaxis = list(title = "DG (kcal/mol"),camera = list(eye = list (x = -1.8, y = -1.8, z = 1))) p <- plot_ly(x=x, y=y, z=ChorismateMutaseMatrix) %>% add_surface(colors = "Surface")%>%layout(title = 'Energy profile', scene = scene) p
“Jet” is not one of the options, but you can find a range of alternatives at (pick one and check the URI to see what the scheme is called). Perhaps “RdYlBlu” will be close enough?