How can I draw surf 3D shape with matrix data? (MATLAB)

Hi everyone,

I want to draw a 3D shape with the surf command (MATLAB). I have the data I collected and its data is contained in the Matlab code. I was able to draw with curve fitting on the X and Y axis . But what I want is to create mesh parts. Thank you very much in advance for your help in this matter.

Best regards.

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xk1=1:1:7; xk2=xk1; xk3=xk1; xk4=xk1; xk5=xk1; xk6=xk1; xk7=xk1;

x1=-15:0.4286:15; x2=x1; x3=x1; x4=x1; x5=x1; x6=x1; x7=x1;


%% Power Measurement
zk1 = [85 85 85 85 85 85 85]; %-15
zk2 = [85 88 88 88 88 88 85]; %-10
zk3 = [85 88 95 95 95 88 85]; %-5
zk4 = [85 88 95 100 95 88 85]; %0
zk5 = [85 88 95 95 95 88 85]; %y5
zk6 = [85 88 88 88 88 88 85]; %y10
zk7 = [85 85 85 85 85 85 85]; %y15

dk1 = linspace(min(xk1), max(xk1), 70);
z1 = interp1(xk1, zk1, dk1, ‘pchip’, ‘extrap’);
dk2 = linspace(min(xk2), max(xk2), 70);
z2 = interp1(xk2, zk2, dk2, ‘pchip’, ‘extrap’);
dk3 = linspace(min(xk3), max(xk3), 70);
z3 = interp1(xk3, zk3, dk3, ‘pchip’, ‘extrap’);
dk4 = linspace(min(xk4), max(xk4), 70);
z4 = interp1(xk4, zk4, dk4, ‘pchip’, ‘extrap’);
dk5 = linspace(min(xk5), max(xk5), 70);
z5 = interp1(xk5, zk5, dk5, ‘pchip’, ‘extrap’);
dk6 = linspace(min(xk6), max(xk6), 70);
z6 = interp1(xk6, zk6, dk6, ‘pchip’, ‘extrap’);
dk7 = linspace(min(xk7), max(xk7), 70);
z7 = interp1(xk7, zk7, dk7, ‘pchip’, ‘extrap’);

%Power Values
xtp=[ x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7 ];
ytp=[ y1; y2; y3; y4; y5; y6; y7 ];

%% Figure 1 Power
ztp1=[ z1; z2; z3; z4; z5; z6; z7 ];
surf (xtp,ytp,ztp1);

hold on;
grid on;
%% Figure 1 Visual Setting

colormap(“white”) % change color map
%shading interp % interpolate colors across lines and faces
box on; %frame line

ax = gca; % grid line thickness
ax.LineWidth = 1; % grid line thickness

fontname(gcf,“Times New Roman”); %all graph fontname

ax.XAxis.FontSize = 12;
ax.YAxis.FontSize = 12;
ax.ZAxis.FontSize = 12;

ax.XLim = [-15 15]; %x or y axis limit
ax.XTick = (-15:5:15); %x or y axis divided

ax.YLim = [-15 15]; %x or y axis limit
ax.YTick = (-15:5:15); %x or y axis divided

ax.ZLim = [80 100]; %x or y axis limit
ax.ZTick = (80:5:100); %x or y axis divided

xh = get(gca,‘XLabel’); % Handle of the y label
posx = get(xh, ‘Position’);
xlabel(‘\it\Deltax’,‘FontSize’,12, ‘Position’,posx.[0,1.1,1], ‘Rotation’,11);
yh = get(gca,‘YLabel’); % Handle of the y label
pos = get(yh, ‘Position’);
ylabel(‘\it\Deltay’,‘FontSize’,12, ‘Position’,pos.
[0.99,-1.2,1], ‘Rotation’,-38);
zlabel(‘Output power, {\itP_{out}} (kW)’,‘FontSize’,12);

set(gcf, ‘Position’, [900, 800, 400, 300]) % frame size
view(-30,35); %frame angle -20,25