Dynamic number of inputs based on anther input

Just a quick reply on the last point. I hadn’t contemplated how to best generate IDs (which can be 0-4) vs. values (which should all be +1 from that… Thanks for the tip on range(1, 6)!

I’ll ponder through the above comments as well. I was using dcc.Input just for a simple input to demo with. I figured once I get the concept/principles, I can make it work for anything. Regarding making them all upfront, it looked like @chriddyp was using id values on the fly in display_controls() here, but that wasn’t an Input, so maybe it’s a different animal.

…the key thing is that you need to make sure they’re all in the DOM when you trigger the callback

Would it work/be better to define a list of Inputs up front and then return input_list[0:n] based on the callback? So they all “exist,” but I only send them to the UI in the quantity selected by the user via the slider?

Thanks for the food for thought!