Downloading file issues

if you want to download a file, you should use the Flask routing with one of the functions (send_file or send_from_directory), more information can be found here

here is a simple example :

import dash
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import dash_html_components as html 
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from flask import Flask,send_from_directory

server = Flask(__name__)
app = dash.Dash(server=server)

# leave it blank if your file is in the root
#otherwise add name of the folder here

app.layout = html.A(html.Button('Download file'), href="Download/File.xlsx")

def download(path):
    return send_from_directory(FILE_DIRECTORY, path, as_attachment=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

You can also check this thread where send_file is used to do the same

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