Does dcc.Graph have an equivalent to a Dash Leafleft hideout-

Hi @bgivens33,

I think you will actually have to change the figure.

Without looping it’ll get difficult, but at least you don’t need to loop “manually” as you can use for_each_trace()

An example:

  • create 100 traces
  • assign random name out of 10 names
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import random

fig = go.Figure()
for _ in range(100):
        name=random.choice([f'Trace{i}' for i in range(10)]), 
fig.update_layout(height=600, width=600)

Pretty crowded, right? Define your HideOut

myHideout = ["Trace1","Trace2","Trace3"]

fig.for_each_trace(lambda x: x.update({'visible': ['legendonly', True][ in myHideout]}))

If you want to hide the trace completely (including legend):

fig.for_each_trace(lambda x: x.update({'visible': in myHideout}))

You could also use the Patch() in a similar way, this time you will have to loop “manually” thru all traces:

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