Detecting changed cell in Editable Datatable

Above solution was very helpful but I think it missed some things (wouldn’t fire if you deleted an item since it shows up as a null value. Solution might have other troubles with blanks too?). I modified to:

def diff_dashtable(data, data_previous, row_id_name=None):
    """Generate a diff of Dash DataTable data.

    Modified from:

    data: DataTable property (
        The contents of the table (list of dicts)
    data_previous: DataTable property
        The previous state of `data` (list of dicts).

    A list of dictionaries in form of [{row_id_name:, column_name:, current_value:,
    df, df_previous = pd.DataFrame(data=data), pd.DataFrame(data_previous)

    if row_id_name is not None:
        # If using something other than the index for row id's, set it here
        for _df in [df, df_previous]:

            # Why do this?  Guess just to be sure?
            assert row_id_name in _df.columns

            _df = _df.set_index(row_id_name)
        row_id_name = "index"

    # Pandas/Numpy says NaN != NaN, so we cannot simply compare the dataframes.  Instead we can either replace the
    # NaNs with some unique value (which is fastest for very small arrays, but doesn't scale well) or we can do
    # (from
    # Mask of elements that have changed, as a dataframe.  Each element indicates True if df!=df_prev
    df_mask = ~((df == df_previous) | ((df != df) & (df_previous != df_previous)))

    # ...and keep only rows that include a changed value
    df_mask = df_mask.loc[df_mask.any(axis=1)]

    changes = []

    # This feels like a place I could speed this up if needed
    for idx, row in df_mask.iterrows():
        row_id =

        # Act only on columns that had a change
        row = row[row.eq(True)]

        for change in row.iteritems():

                    row_id_name: row_id,
                    "column_name": change[0],
                    "current_value":[row_id, change[0]],
                    "previous_value":[row_id, change[0]],

    return changes