Datatable Markdown Link Trouble

In case anyone comes along with a similar question, here’s how I fixed it after some digging:

all markdown links must be formatted as such: string to be clicked

Here’s how I turned my dataframe column into a dash table of clickable links:

def gen_table(dict):             
    df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
    #format dataframe column of urls so that it displays as hyperlink
    def display_links(df):
        links = df['link'].to_list()
        rows = []
        for x in links:
            link = '[Link](' +str(x) + ')'
        return rows
    df['link'] = display_links(df)
    #turn df back into dictionary 
    dict= df.to_dict('records')

#Create Table
    tbl = dash_table.DataTable(
        id = 'hashtag_data',
        style_data={'whiteSpace': 'normal',
        style_table={'overflowX': 'scroll',
                      'maxHeight': '800px',
                      'paddingTop': '2px'
        columns=[{'name': 'Date', 'id':'date'}, {'name': 'Comment', 'id':'msg_cleaned'}, {'name': 'All Hashtags', 'id':'hashtags'}, {'name': 'Link', 'id':'Link','type':'text','presentation':'markdown'}],
        filter_action = 'native',
        sort_action = 'native',
        sort_mode = 'multi',
        fixed_rows = {'headers':True}
    return tbl